Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to win an argument... ish

I don't believe there is a single person in the whole galaxy that hasn't argued with someone over something. I am a pro-arguer, if it was a job I could argue for a living. I could argue so hard my jaw would have steam coming off it. I COULD ARGUE SO HARD EVERY WORD IS A SNEAKY PUNCH TO THE FACE, I COULD....
Alright lets cut the crap, arguing while fun at the time is not fun. You get the rush of adrenaline from being in a daring situation but really it sucks. All kind of nasty bits about the other person come out, and it can completely break a friendship. Who ever said arguments are healthy has no seen a Drama queen blow out. That is lethal. Though trying to keep my cool in arguments and to revel in the drama of it all is hard, it'd just give a few suggestions on how to keep the damage minimal and the fall-out reparable (so many long words dang'), even if people are just so darn wrongdiddly wrong...

SooOooOoOOOo Tip uno:

1) Wait at least an hour to respond, making a calculated assessment of what to say... But don't wait too long. Often things can be said in the heat of a moment, your head fills with hate and mean things and you explode like a confetti cannon full of rage. THIS I do not advise, and even though i am guilty of it I know it would be better to suck it up and count to 10 (or a billion) in my head until I feel better. You can alway say sorry but you can't always take away nasty words.

2) Write down all your angry thoughts and feelings and go to sleep. Then you can decided to post or not to post. It's never easy to hold in your anger, naturally being hurt by someone is going to make you mad... But hurting them does that make you any better than them?

3) Find some other way to vent your anger. If you know me you will have heard of "Maisie cleaning mode", when i am stressed or bothered about life i go into a fit of cleaning everything ... Blame my mum I become a crazed neat freak and clean the kitchen, bathroom, living room and my room manically. BUT finding something to let your anger go at it is great, the gym, running, writing angry messages or even consuming your own body weight in dairy milk can just give you that little sigh out of anger. Letting it out slowly like an angry balloon.

4) Don't expect loyalty from people, in an argument especially in a friendship group you could expect someone to have your back. Just because you might have theirs down be surprised if they don't always have you... You shouldn't give your loyalty in exchange for someone else's, and if you have to ask them for theirs then you never had it and probably never will. If you want to defend someone do it because you believe they are right and need support not because you've known them since you were 5...

and lastly my little flourish of a finish....

5) Contrary to the title of this whole post, winning an argument doesn't mean rendering the other person speechless or make them feel like dirt. It's holding your head high and knowing you behaved in a way that was honest and everything you said was the truth (without the dash of hate thrown in). It's about knowing that an argument isn't really about winning or losing it's about a relationship be it friend or foe (OoOoh) and if you can survive whatever it is you're annoyed about or it's time to move on and let go..... (I was going to put a frozen gif in here but I don't want to cause any arguments )

Again all this easy to dictate but harder to do, I plan to try and think more before my temper gets me.
BUT I could never ever lose it at you, my lovely little cream cakes.
Peace and love
M xx

This week Maisie is loving:

  • Finally having a lie-in, no job right now means a lie-in (even if it's only to half 9)
  • Hailey Tuck- seriously jazzy vibes from this beautiful brunette, perfect to chill to.
  • Cous-Cous - and so an obsession was born, I can't get enough of those little tasty crumbs.
  • Redecorating- having recently moved back to uni I have a new room which means NEW decoration. YAAARHHHH
  • Reaching over 100 views on one of my blogposts, this first milestone made me cry and I have you to thank. You don't know how much this means to me... Really. Thanks guys x
ENOUGH MUSH... If you have any ideas or topics you wanna hear me rant about feel free to comment bellow it will be done m'lord.