But not being a native library being, it's like walking into a whole other universe. The rules, expectations and norms of the library are very very very complex. AND so my little petite pois I will teach you about first the 4 things you see and can never un-see in a library and that really grate me the wrong way;
1) Now classing myself a native among the library trolls you begin to spot regulars, and more so any irregular behaviour. FOR EXAMPLE you will always be able to spot the person that has literally moved out of their house, and brought it's entire contents to the library with them. Who really needs 3 water bottles, four jumpers, a whole bag of oranges, hat and scarf, (mate you're clearly not going anywhere you'll be here till it's summer at this rate) and 10 empty folders...
2) If you are lucky enough to be able to bag a computer you'll have surely seen those poor people surveying every screen looking for a free one, that pleading look in their eyes that says "I have an essay in at 5pm. SOMEONE HELP" when it's 3pm and you're just trolling Facebook and pretending to skim read a passage from a book written in 1924(yawn) trying to not make eye contact but feeling bad and thinking

OR the person who logs in to their emails and then leaves for 6 hours and the computer is just there, waiting for said person to return. OR EVEN when people bring their OWN laptops and decide to sit in front of a computer NOT USING IT but using their OWN LAPTOPS. (Did I stress own enough?!) TO DO WORK. If you've ever been to Manchester Learning commons you know this pain and it is a bitter pain that makes you want to throw their own laptop(OWN) off the third floor and watch it smash into tiny pieces....(sorry got carried away)
3) The people that NEVER leave, you know them. Every time, in EXACTLY the same place and even sometimes in the exact clothes there they are... Maybe they forgot how to leave? Maybe they secretly live in the Library eating food out of the vending machines and sleeping on a bed made from all the books people can't be arsed to put back? OR maybe just maybe they are a GHOST ....
Nah, but seriously why do they have to make us look so bad? The fact that I get lost in the library while they live and breathe and know EXACTLY which chairs are broken or not... it's freaky man, can you guys not like or please find some other building to live in i can't get my study on.
4) Someone eating the smelliest pasta/sandwich/sacrifice to the library gods AND CHEWING SO LOUDLY. Like look guys the library it's a quiet place you usually have to be careful to not breathe too loudly. LET ALONE hear you crunching on pickled onion monster munch, weirdly avoiding your hate stare...
(but isn't it worse when there is awkward eye contact while eating... slightly serial killer-y right?)

SO BASICALLY YEP. This was a library rant, if you do any of these things tut tut tut. BUT at least you're in the Library and not at home sitting in bed writing passive aggressive blogs on the library, right? (cough cough cough) Haha. Anyway thanks for reading this little snippet of my life it always makes me so happy to see those number tot up, any ideas or topics you want to hear my rant about I will (I thought you'd never ask) and if you're feeling stressy or sad remember a grade does not define you but good fashion sense does (joke) YOU'RE ALL FABULOUS ON A STICK
till the next time, make sure you're wrapped up all warm and snug in a little sushi roll....mmm fishy.
this week Maisie is looovingggg;
- Bath bombs - the only way too warm me up to my toes, I recommend Lush Yoga bomb lovely sandalwood and ho-wood, which is not only funny to say(childish sorry) but really relaxing AND GORGEOUS.
- Popcorn - I recently got a popcorn maker and watching it do it's thing actually makes me really happy... I don't know why, all the popcorn flying everywhere makes me giggle. ALSO great with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and pepper... mmmmm.
- Flowers - Being able to actually see some flowers whilst out and about has really lifted my mood, SPRING IS ON THE WAY PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A DRILL
- You guys, I know i've been crappy at blogging but still having people read it makes me smile so very much.