Monday, 11 September 2017

How to survive a breakup

Now this is written very prematurely, like very very very VERY post breakup. SO I'M OBVIOUSLY FEELING LIKE I GOT THIS. (said with conviction and slightly loud and a tiny bit high pitched )
    But basically, i've been googling how to survive a break up and made this sort of personal note for me to refer back to in future moments when I ;

1) feel like drunk texting or turning up at his house (hahahaaa who would do that.. hint probably me)
2) Miss him and eat own body weight in chocolate.. my flat is tiny i can not afford to roll around it because of all the chub.
3) Cry myself to sleep and listen to fucking kodaline again... (NOT AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD)

Keeping busy I guess, from now on I shall be social butterfly flittering from group to group with ease and sophistication and a amazing new wardrobe for new figure I shall achieve. (instead of aforementioned death by chocolate.) I shall also exercise (don't scream too loud) starting with buying actual exercising clothing... i don't think HIS jogging bottoms count since they fall off me and consume me like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.

I will also write about my feelings more, eat good food (healthy though) and spend time with people that are fucking brilliant. ALSO i guess i should join some society or something that makes me meet more people really throw myself out there ... I have no idea what though.

I need to know its okay to be upset, but don't let it overwhelm me, the temptation to find out how he feels is huge but it won't help. Gotta step away and step up.

AND mostly know, this isn't how it will always feel and how i feel if anything is a compliment ... because i loved him that much.


the above bit I wrote a year ago, and honestly i DIDN'T do any of those things. I ate, i drunk called, i cried (a lot) and really I just felt it every painful second. I'M not mad at myself for doing that, I'm proud and it felt like I honoured what we had (even if it was rubbish) by allowing myself to just feel it all. Truthfully I never thought i'd feel okay again, I thought every time I fell asleep i'd turn over and wish he was there... until one day i just didn't anymore.

I moved. Not because of him, but because it was time. To read the words fuelled by such hurt and anger doesn't make me miss him or the relationship, just reaffirm it was right and it really was time to move on. Love isn't all and my happiness and self worth is more important.

SO when it comes to the breakup .... I need to remember, that things don't work out for reasons and something else is out there. SOMETHING ELSE more special, more glorious and more me(basically) I don't need to be angry at them it doesn't get me anywhere. He can't feel my rage, holding onto that hurt and anger doesn't benefit anyone...

SO ultimately this miss match of words is my way of saving. You will survive, feel every second of it and one day it'll hurt a little less. Surround yourself with friends, things to look forward to and a shit ton of ice-cream. I MEAN A SHIT TON.

Always and forever my daring thangs'


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