OKAY, first of all I went to write "teenage blogger" in my post title before realising I am 20. I know 20 isn't old but damn, I still feel 13 most days and 3 the rest of the time.
If you think that's dramatic;
- Check my blog name you, AND ALSO
- You haven't seen anything yet my pretties. (que evil laugh)
So...I wanted this blog to be sort of a output of me venting my feelings and thoughts (Being able to use over the 140 characters that twitter allows) If I'm entirely honest I wasn't sure what was the point of this, does it benefit me or you?! But maybe the idea is we help each other, in this life we are all bumbling along side by side the least we can do is give each other a hand right?
Enough of the heavy now me thinks, I decided to dedicate this blog to the first 3 of 20 things I have learnt now I'm 19 20(I WILL GET USED TO IT I PROMISE) and do at least one blog devoted to the next instalment every month (let me know if ya have any ideas) anyway:
1. From what I've seen some people most definitely peak at 15, and then after its all rubbish fake tan and broken dreams...(Basically it's okay to not be the most popular person that ever took breath)- Okay that was dramatic but what i'm getting at is that the minority of people were part of the popular clique when you're around 12-18, and truthfully that used to bother me A HELL OF A LOT when I was younger. The need to fit in was a huge weight on my young teenage shoulders, like it probably is on others now.. AND even in uni you get some people who want to float to the top, but I find them laughable being the wise old women I am now. You know who you are just take a chill pill I don't think you can get a degree in being 'an edgy cool ass mofo' BUT I'll ring UCAS and check, you never know. I think I just learnt that as long as you have a good group of people around you and you're happy then that is well and truly all that matters. . .
1. From what I've seen some people most definitely peak at 15, and then after its all rubbish fake tan and broken dreams...(Basically it's okay to not be the most popular person that ever took breath)- Okay that was dramatic but what i'm getting at is that the minority of people were part of the popular clique when you're around 12-18, and truthfully that used to bother me A HELL OF A LOT when I was younger. The need to fit in was a huge weight on my young teenage shoulders, like it probably is on others now.. AND even in uni you get some people who want to float to the top, but I find them laughable being the wise old women I am now. You know who you are just take a chill pill I don't think you can get a degree in being 'an edgy cool ass mofo' BUT I'll ring UCAS and check, you never know. I think I just learnt that as long as you have a good group of people around you and you're happy then that is well and truly all that matters. . .
2. Don't rush anything or wish for anything to fly by, EMBRACE EVERY MINUTE- Now I sound like a fridge magnet but I'm serious. Do you remember waiting to be 13, and then when you were 13 you probably thought "oh my gawd I can't wait to be 16 i'll be practically grown up" and so on with 17,18,19. I know I'm not at all ancient but so far in my dramatic lifespan, my favourite time was from when I was 13/14/15. When you can start to gain independence and yet still get pocket money and presents from father christmas.
(sorry I had to) ... BUT as I previously wrote about in a previous blog about Disney films(it is on the right waiting to be read, read me it cries.READ ME).. Ahem don't try and grow up too fast try and enjoy every minute every pimple every time your mum washes your clothes for you (trust me you will miss that when all your whites turn grey /off pink!) Because if you are always waiting for something even if its a birthday, are you making the most of this very moment? Or is it just counting down constantly? Perhaps have a little think... (Not that I'm making the most of this very moment, by deciding which bedding I should put on my bed. DRAMA)
AND finally for this little snippet of a blog, drum roll for my last piece of wisdom. Don't cry too hard....
3. It is really not about who goes from your life, but rather who stays- It may sound a tad cliche, and a line from a self-help book but the people who stick around through all your meltdowns are the ones that count. NOT the ones that don't.
Personally I can find it so hard to stay positive sometimes, and it feels like people in my life are swinging through a revolving door of in and out. BUT it's the ones that have been in and stay in that are important, when it comes to friends its definitely quality over quantity RIGHT?! Though sometimes it feels more like this...
So sad and so true... Steak is most defo not only the quality friend but the one who is always there. Trusty steak mmm. Anyway, we are all so young and as my father once told me (I sound older than 20 there, can never get the balance right can I?) He said to me "Why worry about all these silly people? you are 18 (at that time) you have met under 10% of the people you will EVER meet in your life, you have 90 more percent to find the right people so much to do and see just wait..."
Him saying that just seemed to make sense and not needing an explanation, I hope it does to you lovely lot. You are all wonderful and you'll find some equally wonderful people if you haven't already. SO tell your pals how great they are, but not to lovingly or they will accuse you of either being very drunk/high or you've dropped their toothbrush down the loo. (IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SAID SORRY GOSH.)
ANYWAY... I feel I have prattled long enough my little bon-bons, till the next time you gorgeous creatures of the night. Stay Safe and EAT YOUR CRUSTS I PROMISE IT WONT MAKE YOUR HAIR CURLY (or will it...)
M x
Maisie is ladeeeloving these things at the very moment in time:
- Crazy hair dyes- I have dyed the ends of my hair purple and I feel like some kind of summery fairy it is really quite awesome. AHAND not permanent, so does not mean my hair will snap off...
- Ten pin Bowling- Even if i did lose with the sides up.. I imagined the ball was the head of my enemies as it rolled along mwahahaa (i didn't really, even for me that's a tincy bit mean)
- A WHOLE PINEAPPLE FOR £1 FOR SAINSBURYS- spikey goodness IF I could work out how to cut it
- Playing music so loudly the floor vibrates- Is there any other way to play it though? It's so everyone else can appreciate my outstanding 'scene kid 2008-10 era' playlist...
- Second chances - We should all be more forgiving of each other, have faith cherubs the suns shining which can only mean good things are on the way!
FEEL free to drop a comment maybe a cheeky like, and any suggestions my lovely things will be either ignored or acted upon (I make no promises!!!!)