Now this is written very prematurely, like very very very VERY post breakup. SO I'M OBVIOUSLY FEELING LIKE I GOT THIS. (said with conviction and slightly loud and a tiny bit high pitched )
But basically, i've been googling how to survive a break up and made this sort of personal note for me to refer back to in future moments when I ;
1) feel like drunk texting or turning up at his house (hahahaaa who would do that.. hint probably me)
2) Miss him and eat own body weight in chocolate.. my flat is tiny i can not afford to roll around it because of all the chub.
3) Cry myself to sleep and listen to fucking kodaline again... (NOT AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD)
Keeping busy I guess, from now on I shall be social butterfly flittering from group to group with ease and sophistication and a amazing new wardrobe for new figure I shall achieve. (instead of aforementioned death by chocolate.) I shall also exercise (don't scream too loud) starting with buying actual exercising clothing... i don't think HIS jogging bottoms count since they fall off me and consume me like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.
I will also write about my feelings more, eat good food (healthy though) and spend time with people that are fucking brilliant. ALSO i guess i should join some society or something that makes me meet more people really throw myself out there ... I have no idea what though.
I need to know its okay to be upset, but don't let it overwhelm me, the temptation to find out how he feels is huge but it won't help. Gotta step away and step up.
AND mostly know, this isn't how it will always feel and how i feel if anything is a compliment ... because i loved him that much.
the above bit I wrote a year ago, and honestly i DIDN'T do any of those things. I ate, i drunk called, i cried (a lot) and really I just felt it every painful second. I'M not mad at myself for doing that, I'm proud and it felt like I honoured what we had (even if it was rubbish) by allowing myself to just feel it all. Truthfully I never thought i'd feel okay again, I thought every time I fell asleep i'd turn over and wish he was there... until one day i just didn't anymore.
I moved. Not because of him, but because it was time. To read the words fuelled by such hurt and anger doesn't make me miss him or the relationship, just reaffirm it was right and it really was time to move on. Love isn't all and my happiness and self worth is more important.
SO when it comes to the breakup .... I need to remember, that things don't work out for reasons and something else is out there. SOMETHING ELSE more special, more glorious and more me(basically) I don't need to be angry at them it doesn't get me anywhere. He can't feel my rage, holding onto that hurt and anger doesn't benefit anyone...
SO ultimately this miss match of words is my way of saving. You will survive, feel every second of it and one day it'll hurt a little less. Surround yourself with friends, things to look forward to and a shit ton of ice-cream. I MEAN A SHIT TON.
Always and forever my daring thangs'
Diary of a Dramaholic
Monday, 11 September 2017
Saturday, 26 March 2016
4 Things Every Student Thinks/Sees When IN THE LIBRARY (of doom)
So being a good student for the first time in my three years at university, I have decided to go where few students ever return from, thats right I have ventured where dreams and social lives go to die...THE LIBRARY
(we've all been there)
OR the person who logs in to their emails and then leaves for 6 hours and the computer is just there, waiting for said person to return. OR EVEN when people bring their OWN laptops and decide to sit in front of a computer NOT USING IT but using their OWN LAPTOPS. (Did I stress own enough?!) TO DO WORK. If you've ever been to Manchester Learning commons you know this pain and it is a bitter pain that makes you want to throw their own laptop(OWN) off the third floor and watch it smash into tiny pieces....(sorry got carried away)
But not being a native library being, it's like walking into a whole other universe. The rules, expectations and norms of the library are very very very complex. AND so my little petite pois I will teach you about first the 4 things you see and can never un-see in a library and that really grate me the wrong way;
1) Now classing myself a native among the library trolls you begin to spot regulars, and more so any irregular behaviour. FOR EXAMPLE you will always be able to spot the person that has literally moved out of their house, and brought it's entire contents to the library with them. Who really needs 3 water bottles, four jumpers, a whole bag of oranges, hat and scarf, (mate you're clearly not going anywhere you'll be here till it's summer at this rate) and 10 empty folders...
2) If you are lucky enough to be able to bag a computer you'll have surely seen those poor people surveying every screen looking for a free one, that pleading look in their eyes that says "I have an essay in at 5pm. SOMEONE HELP" when it's 3pm and you're just trolling Facebook and pretending to skim read a passage from a book written in 1924(yawn) trying to not make eye contact but feeling bad and thinking

OR the person who logs in to their emails and then leaves for 6 hours and the computer is just there, waiting for said person to return. OR EVEN when people bring their OWN laptops and decide to sit in front of a computer NOT USING IT but using their OWN LAPTOPS. (Did I stress own enough?!) TO DO WORK. If you've ever been to Manchester Learning commons you know this pain and it is a bitter pain that makes you want to throw their own laptop(OWN) off the third floor and watch it smash into tiny pieces....(sorry got carried away)
3) The people that NEVER leave, you know them. Every time, in EXACTLY the same place and even sometimes in the exact clothes there they are... Maybe they forgot how to leave? Maybe they secretly live in the Library eating food out of the vending machines and sleeping on a bed made from all the books people can't be arsed to put back? OR maybe just maybe they are a GHOST ....
Nah, but seriously why do they have to make us look so bad? The fact that I get lost in the library while they live and breathe and know EXACTLY which chairs are broken or not... it's freaky man, can you guys not like or please find some other building to live in i can't get my study on.
4) Someone eating the smelliest pasta/sandwich/sacrifice to the library gods AND CHEWING SO LOUDLY. Like look guys the library it's a quiet place you usually have to be careful to not breathe too loudly. LET ALONE hear you crunching on pickled onion monster munch, weirdly avoiding your hate stare...
(but isn't it worse when there is awkward eye contact while eating... slightly serial killer-y right?)

SO BASICALLY YEP. This was a library rant, if you do any of these things tut tut tut. BUT at least you're in the Library and not at home sitting in bed writing passive aggressive blogs on the library, right? (cough cough cough) Haha. Anyway thanks for reading this little snippet of my life it always makes me so happy to see those number tot up, any ideas or topics you want to hear my rant about I will (I thought you'd never ask) and if you're feeling stressy or sad remember a grade does not define you but good fashion sense does (joke) YOU'RE ALL FABULOUS ON A STICK
till the next time, make sure you're wrapped up all warm and snug in a little sushi roll....mmm fishy.
this week Maisie is looovingggg;
- Bath bombs - the only way too warm me up to my toes, I recommend Lush Yoga bomb lovely sandalwood and ho-wood, which is not only funny to say(childish sorry) but really relaxing AND GORGEOUS.
- Popcorn - I recently got a popcorn maker and watching it do it's thing actually makes me really happy... I don't know why, all the popcorn flying everywhere makes me giggle. ALSO great with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and pepper... mmmmm.
- Flowers - Being able to actually see some flowers whilst out and about has really lifted my mood, SPRING IS ON THE WAY PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A DRILL
- You guys, I know i've been crappy at blogging but still having people read it makes me smile so very much.
Friday, 4 March 2016
I am going to clear out my life...
Yo, lizards and wizards (yep that sounds lame) I have decided I AM GOING TO BLOG IF IT KILLS ME. ...
Recently I have decided that I need to declutter my life, I own too much stuff and should literally be signed up for Hoarders and plead for help. Hello my name is Maisie and I have a hoarding problem....
(don't laugh too loud, I'll probably hear it)
Recently I have decided that I need to declutter my life, I own too much stuff and should literally be signed up for Hoarders and plead for help. Hello my name is Maisie and I have a hoarding problem....
So basically I decided to have a I AM A HOARDER PLEASE TAKE MY STUFF party. Think any cheesy chick flick makeover montage meets a shit-ton of wine and bam you have my idea....
It's basically that I own so many clothes, shoes, makeup, books FRIENDS(that ones a joke plz lurv me) That I don't use or need. The continual 'one day i'll wear it' skirt that I swear has been on the same hanger with the tag on since I decided I HAD TO HAVE IT 4 years ago...
Those jeans that I may one day squeeze myself into (nope , I won't i have cake to thank for that)
ALSO all those scene kid net skirts and black on black lace that I don't even want to bring out of my wardrobe. (2009 you were a bad time, fingerless gloves dear god)

I only want to own items I absolutely love, that make me feel good and make other think I look good in.. (This is were you say BUT YOU LOOK GOOD IN EVERYTHING.. *silence* urm right moving swifty on)
Owning things I love and WILL wear will help me feel good about me, and throwing out books I'll never read again leaves space for more new GROWN UP BOOKS. (Sorry Jackie Wilson, we had a good ride but I'm not 9 anymore) I can also give these things i don't want to other people or charities that actually need scene kid clothes (though that is a poor example)..
Basically I feel that now is a good time to cleanse my life, surround myself with clothes, books etc.. That I love and the same to people, only keep the good ones in you know?
The one's the make me feel good inside, so I can rock my gorgey shrunken wardrobe on the outside and reflect my inner brilliance. (Too much?) Bribing my friends with alcohol will also make sure they're honest with me, this could get painful, I'll be sure to fill you in on the gruesome details and all the drama that will be me screaming as people try to tear me away from my 2011 prom dress...
BUT *deep breathe* frankly I need it, a clear space to chill and not worry if my wardrobe will burst at the seams... Well not until I next get paid anyway. It'll be healthy and maybe then I can actually see the clothes I own not an array of colours..
Now thank for reading you babes, University calls apparently I have a lecture (sigh) I'll be back in a flash and a ton more interesting than this, hug your pets and if you've got no pets hug your knees and give em a good squeeze.
Love always
M x
this week maisie is loving(that's right it's back);
- Olives- man the obsession is real
- Glastonbury line-up being announced, get on down to oxfam stewards if you wanna go the right way ;)
- Seafret- don't fret with those beautiful tunes (dum dum chhh)
- Blogging- Still need to sort my life out and write better ones for you guys, but I'm back :)
- Mascara - my life, my true love, my one my only.
I know, I know I KNOW I am so so so so so so so so so so so awful at updating and blogging AND though I love it I have literally have had zero ideas on what to write to keep people interested or to gain more views(it's all about them views guys)...
It's strange having something that is quite personal online it's just strange. It is sort of like putting a tiny little piece of your mind or your point of view on the internet regardless of how lighthearted it is, and asking people to read it. To read it and to judge and hopefully like what you've written... and damn you, you better like it.
So lets talk about ME. I am currently drowning in my dissertation, work-work, next year plans and occasionally if the god have been smiling down on me a social event...
It's strange having something that is quite personal online it's just strange. It is sort of like putting a tiny little piece of your mind or your point of view on the internet regardless of how lighthearted it is, and asking people to read it. To read it and to judge and hopefully like what you've written... and damn you, you better like it.
So lets talk about ME. I am currently drowning in my dissertation, work-work, next year plans and occasionally if the god have been smiling down on me a social event...
Frankly I am a boring sod who ran out of things interesting to write, it appears I only had three posts in me and then blank. Not a word. This gif is the embodiment of my life right now ...

Is it me or a are the February blues hanging on a bit too long?
Love you always, I haven't died or abandoned you.... much.
Match socks on thickness not colour one thin sock and one thick one make you feel like you've got a fake foot.
M xx
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
How to win an argument... ish
I don't believe there is a single person in the whole galaxy that hasn't argued with someone over something. I am a pro-arguer, if it was a job I could argue for a living. I could argue so hard my jaw would have steam coming off it. I COULD ARGUE SO HARD EVERY WORD IS A SNEAKY PUNCH TO THE FACE, I COULD....
Alright lets cut the crap, arguing while fun at the time is not fun. You get the rush of adrenaline from being in a daring situation but really it sucks. All kind of nasty bits about the other person come out, and it can completely break a friendship. Who ever said arguments are healthy has no seen a Drama queen blow out. That is lethal. Though trying to keep my cool in arguments and to revel in the drama of it all is hard, it'd just give a few suggestions on how to keep the damage minimal and the fall-out reparable (so many long words dang'), even if people are just so darn wrongdiddly wrong...
SooOooOoOOOo Tip uno:
1) Wait at least an hour to respond, making a calculated assessment of what to say... But don't wait too long. Often things can be said in the heat of a moment, your head fills with hate and mean things and you explode like a confetti cannon full of rage. THIS I do not advise, and even though i am guilty of it I know it would be better to suck it up and count to 10 (or a billion) in my head until I feel better. You can alway say sorry but you can't always take away nasty words.
2) Write down all your angry thoughts and feelings and go to sleep. Then you can decided to post or not to post. It's never easy to hold in your anger, naturally being hurt by someone is going to make you mad... But hurting them does that make you any better than them?
3) Find some other way to vent your anger. If you know me you will have heard of "Maisie cleaning mode", when i am stressed or bothered about life i go into a fit of cleaning everything ... Blame my mum I become a crazed neat freak and clean the kitchen, bathroom, living room and my room manically. BUT finding something to let your anger go at it is great, the gym, running, writing angry messages or even consuming your own body weight in dairy milk can just give you that little sigh out of anger. Letting it out slowly like an angry balloon.
4) Don't expect loyalty from people, in an argument especially in a friendship group you could expect someone to have your back. Just because you might have theirs down be surprised if they don't always have you... You shouldn't give your loyalty in exchange for someone else's, and if you have to ask them for theirs then you never had it and probably never will. If you want to defend someone do it because you believe they are right and need support not because you've known them since you were 5...
and lastly my little flourish of a finish....
5) Contrary to the title of this whole post, winning an argument doesn't mean rendering the other person speechless or make them feel like dirt. It's holding your head high and knowing you behaved in a way that was honest and everything you said was the truth (without the dash of hate thrown in). It's about knowing that an argument isn't really about winning or losing it's about a relationship be it friend or foe (OoOoh) and if you can survive whatever it is you're annoyed about or it's time to move on and let go..... (I was going to put a frozen gif in here but I don't want to cause any arguments )
Again all this easy to dictate but harder to do, I plan to try and think more before my temper gets me.
BUT I could never ever lose it at you, my lovely little cream cakes.
Peace and love
M xx
This week Maisie is loving:
Alright lets cut the crap, arguing while fun at the time is not fun. You get the rush of adrenaline from being in a daring situation but really it sucks. All kind of nasty bits about the other person come out, and it can completely break a friendship. Who ever said arguments are healthy has no seen a Drama queen blow out. That is lethal. Though trying to keep my cool in arguments and to revel in the drama of it all is hard, it'd just give a few suggestions on how to keep the damage minimal and the fall-out reparable (so many long words dang'), even if people are just so darn wrongdiddly wrong...
SooOooOoOOOo Tip uno:
1) Wait at least an hour to respond, making a calculated assessment of what to say... But don't wait too long. Often things can be said in the heat of a moment, your head fills with hate and mean things and you explode like a confetti cannon full of rage. THIS I do not advise, and even though i am guilty of it I know it would be better to suck it up and count to 10 (or a billion) in my head until I feel better. You can alway say sorry but you can't always take away nasty words.
2) Write down all your angry thoughts and feelings and go to sleep. Then you can decided to post or not to post. It's never easy to hold in your anger, naturally being hurt by someone is going to make you mad... But hurting them does that make you any better than them?
3) Find some other way to vent your anger. If you know me you will have heard of "Maisie cleaning mode", when i am stressed or bothered about life i go into a fit of cleaning everything ... Blame my mum I become a crazed neat freak and clean the kitchen, bathroom, living room and my room manically. BUT finding something to let your anger go at it is great, the gym, running, writing angry messages or even consuming your own body weight in dairy milk can just give you that little sigh out of anger. Letting it out slowly like an angry balloon.
4) Don't expect loyalty from people, in an argument especially in a friendship group you could expect someone to have your back. Just because you might have theirs down be surprised if they don't always have you... You shouldn't give your loyalty in exchange for someone else's, and if you have to ask them for theirs then you never had it and probably never will. If you want to defend someone do it because you believe they are right and need support not because you've known them since you were 5...
and lastly my little flourish of a finish....
5) Contrary to the title of this whole post, winning an argument doesn't mean rendering the other person speechless or make them feel like dirt. It's holding your head high and knowing you behaved in a way that was honest and everything you said was the truth (without the dash of hate thrown in). It's about knowing that an argument isn't really about winning or losing it's about a relationship be it friend or foe (OoOoh) and if you can survive whatever it is you're annoyed about or it's time to move on and let go..... (I was going to put a frozen gif in here but I don't want to cause any arguments )
Again all this easy to dictate but harder to do, I plan to try and think more before my temper gets me.
BUT I could never ever lose it at you, my lovely little cream cakes.
Peace and love
M xx
This week Maisie is loving:
- Finally having a lie-in, no job right now means a lie-in (even if it's only to half 9)
- Hailey Tuck- seriously jazzy vibes from this beautiful brunette, perfect to chill to.
- Cous-Cous - and so an obsession was born, I can't get enough of those little tasty crumbs.
- Redecorating- having recently moved back to uni I have a new room which means NEW decoration. YAAARHHHH
- Reaching over 100 views on one of my blogposts, this first milestone made me cry and I have you to thank. You don't know how much this means to me... Really. Thanks guys x
ENOUGH MUSH... If you have any ideas or topics you wanna hear me rant about feel free to comment bellow it will be done m'lord.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
I divorced my phone for a week...
Hi sorry for the silent treatment have you ever really really really really wanted something. Wished on every star and missed every crack in the pavement? Blown out on every dandelion you've come across?
Wanting something is really easy, but what happens if you get the thing you want. You reach your goal? What if it wasn't quite what you wanted or imagined it to be... I think as people and as a person myself (I know how descriptive of me) we invest a lot of our own happiness in obtaining things. Whether it be a job, a partner or personal goal. Sometimes we can be too busy investing our time in things like these which may have a bitter sweet taste. It's not at all bad to have goals but I know personally my expectations of people and experiences are high, and telling myself to "lower my expectations" is much easier said than done especially when every time i check facebook I see peoples 'perfect lives' and think why isn't mine like that?
Isn't it time we focused on our more inward goals than outward? Stop worrying about the Facebook life and start thinking about what goes on behind the little screen? Because I believe it is I set myself these goals and look outwards rather than inwards because thats what social media rate as 'important goals' how many selfies with my hot date, me filling in where I work on facebook with pride wanting to show off.... Sharing all my news and me at different events, clearly not making the most as I still somehow find time to post a photo, right?!
Now it's very easy for me to dictate how shallow and bad this is and I hold my hands up and admit I am a hypocrite. But I thought I'd try life without it, and at least give my thumbs a break from scrolling... Trail separation from my phone for one whole WEEK.
Day 1- This was totally fine, my hands did feel weird not constantly checking facebook, instagram and twitter to see what the gossip was. But actually felt pretty good, and nice to say "Oh no i didn't bring my phone with me... Wanted to enjoy the experience without seeing it through a screen (I was at a festival)" Apart from the occasional want to post a selfie or to check twitter I held up, almost rolling my eyes at the people on there phones pitying their need to communicate with those not directly in front of them.
Day 2- God people on their phones are rude. Like hello I'm right here stop stalking Kim Kardashian and look me in the eyes when I talk to you, whatever happened to conversation clearly it's a dying art. I feel good having risen above it sitting in the sun shine not getting neck ache as a enjoy the atmosphere around me. I try telling my friends how much more liberated I feel from the Facebook chain their reply:
Wanting something is really easy, but what happens if you get the thing you want. You reach your goal? What if it wasn't quite what you wanted or imagined it to be... I think as people and as a person myself (I know how descriptive of me) we invest a lot of our own happiness in obtaining things. Whether it be a job, a partner or personal goal. Sometimes we can be too busy investing our time in things like these which may have a bitter sweet taste. It's not at all bad to have goals but I know personally my expectations of people and experiences are high, and telling myself to "lower my expectations" is much easier said than done especially when every time i check facebook I see peoples 'perfect lives' and think why isn't mine like that?
Isn't it time we focused on our more inward goals than outward? Stop worrying about the Facebook life and start thinking about what goes on behind the little screen? Because I believe it is I set myself these goals and look outwards rather than inwards because thats what social media rate as 'important goals' how many selfies with my hot date, me filling in where I work on facebook with pride wanting to show off.... Sharing all my news and me at different events, clearly not making the most as I still somehow find time to post a photo, right?!
Now it's very easy for me to dictate how shallow and bad this is and I hold my hands up and admit I am a hypocrite. But I thought I'd try life without it, and at least give my thumbs a break from scrolling... Trail separation from my phone for one whole WEEK.
Day 1- This was totally fine, my hands did feel weird not constantly checking facebook, instagram and twitter to see what the gossip was. But actually felt pretty good, and nice to say "Oh no i didn't bring my phone with me... Wanted to enjoy the experience without seeing it through a screen (I was at a festival)" Apart from the occasional want to post a selfie or to check twitter I held up, almost rolling my eyes at the people on there phones pitying their need to communicate with those not directly in front of them.
Day 2- God people on their phones are rude. Like hello I'm right here stop stalking Kim Kardashian and look me in the eyes when I talk to you, whatever happened to conversation clearly it's a dying art. I feel good having risen above it sitting in the sun shine not getting neck ache as a enjoy the atmosphere around me. I try telling my friends how much more liberated I feel from the Facebook chain their reply:
Day 3 - Still feeling good, wondering how many messages I'll recieve when i get home does make me smile but that's not the point. It's like breaking up with an ex with the idea of returning to them in a week... Not the right idea. To top things off I'm missing all these secrets acts for the festival leaked on to twitter so having to find out off other people, but since my hands do not hold the phone this doesn't count right? RIGHT?...
Day 4 - I wonder what my followers are thinking? Maybe should tweet to show I'm alive.. NO resist. The Facebook claws are in deep and as soon as I thought their grip was loosening the crept up on me and squeezed tighter (uh-oh)
Day 5 - I caved, DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I wanted to talk to people that weren't the same three I'd been spending the last 5 days with pretty much 24/7... On my knees I begged for my friends phone she smirked and passed it to me. The lightness of it's touch and familiar feeling of typing was nothing short of ecstasy. Man it felt good i could see the steam rising off my thumbs. Now was not the right time to admit I had a problem.
The other two days were much the same, but I realised something. I didn't need to be separated from my phone 24/7 for ever, I just needed to give it some space sometimes. Stop filming the gig and actually watch it, (Also who films a gig, do you intend to watch it later? Is the gig itself not a good time for you to actually watch it? Someone explain please.)
I have to separate myself from Facebook world, if people have time to upload every waking minute of their lives to snapchat/facebook/twitter are the enjoying it. I don't know about you but the best days are the ones I have no photographic or written evidence of, because I was too busy enjoying it. This just reminds me to take everything i see with a pinch of salt, if you've got time to upload then you're clearly not making the most! Let me know your thoughts you lil humbugs, keep smiling and for gods sake put down your phone and talk to someone ;)
M x
First of all I'm sorry my little gumdrops that I haven't been around much. (Blame exams and general life/boy stress), throughout the exam period and last few weeks I haven't been feeling my most shiniest, and as you lot may know when you are feeling and fed up it is literally the worst feeling, and though sometimes you feel like the best thing to do is cocoon and hibernate throughout the poo feeling. It doesn't actually help...
Sometimes it is really hard to get yourself out of that funk, and so I thought i'd just give you guys a few little tips on how to get yourself out of it or just take your mind off the poop feeling. It won't last trust me.
Tip Number One: Go outside.
Yes outside, even if you wanna just sit inside and watch crappy tv and consume your'e own body weight in the only company you'll ever need. (That's right Ben and Jerry)
Honestly just stepping outside even if it is just to get some air, can dramatically improve your mood... Also making you feel like you've accomplished something, try going for a run or swimming something that helps clear your head and makes that pint of Ice-cream not seem so awful or heavy on your tum-tum. Then again...
Tip 2: Woooooah you better SHOP.
Shopping actually acts like a form of therapy, even if its just spending £3.50 on a LUSH bath bomb or a new piece of clothing, cd, game etc. But try not to go online. There is nothing like swinging a bag on your arm as you leave a shop and its instant. NO WAITING by the letterbox for three days, only to be told the package is too big and has been sent to the actual post office *Shakes fist*. It's also great to grab a few mates, we all have good days and bad days and they're mates for a reason.
who doesn't love a good dance? Even if you're not very good at it a little bit of old school 90s pop always brightens my morning/evening/life. (Think Genie in a Bottle and go from there...) Again this is referring to tip 1 a little, but have you ever just wanted to scream a long to that Britney Spears number and thought,''No I can't I'm a 46 year old heavy metal biker named Steve''?! Well Steve, I won't tell if you won't. Dance like no one is watching, which means you can literally go crazy.. Such a good relief of them feels.
Personally whenever my flat is empty, I pump my speakers up to earthquake inducing level and put on some Taylor Swift (I'm not even ashamed) and literally shake off all the worries and poop feelings I have. Sometimes I do this even if flat mates are in flat (sorry guys, I'll buy you some choccie)
(who doesn't love Patrick Stewart, I mean check out his twitter pic)
Tip 4: Get your mates over and drink/eat until you can do no more
That literally explains it all really, but seriously if you are feeling a bit bummed out get all your favourite goodies and invite some friends over. Stick on a film that'll either
1) make you cry = think notebook (even if youre a guy you can't hide from the feels)
2) make you laugh = depending on your sense of humour, but personally 21 Jump Street is a top fav.
3) make you nostalgic = it was only a matter of time before I mentioned Disney (sorry not sorry)
You don't even have to watch a film, just have a few drinks and talk about how you're feeling chances are they'll have been there too. Bake a cake? I find baking really helps me when i'm not feeling great some creative outlet that it truly tasty can never not make me smile... (mmmm cake)
most importantly : You won't feel like this forever, it'll pass everything does.
till the next time my little peach parfait, chin up and soldier on. You are most fab
M x
Maisie is loving:
- Cheese- Need i say more?
- Charlie xcx- having got back from Glastonbury she is now on repeat on my ipod love it.
- New homes- recently moved into a new flat and it's all so exciting and clean (for now)
- The suggestion of colour being thrown into my wardrobe- apparently I can't live in black 24/7 and some floral prints are really catching my eye.
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